موضوع: The Story of PCcity
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قدیمی 10-19-2011
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2008
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 1,577
سپاسها: : 3,750

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نوشته اصلی توسط دانه کولانه نمایش پست ها
Thank You for founding this topic !

I guessed this topic is about " How did you find PCCity"

we can start a new topic for write short story or short sentences !

like this :

For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn

Ernest Miller Hemingway

hi mr.admin, nice to C U here.
found means establish
do u like to know how did i find PCCty? i'll write in the proper topic of:
انگیزه شما از عضویت توی فروم چی بوده!
i like to say that now i'm downloading ur signature!
ofcourse there is a topic in the english part, haven't U C that still? short stories.

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط bigbang نمایش پست ها
seriesly i want to make an attention for this topic and i just dont want to make joke to laugh now you say this i feel very awful

beside saba baran 90 you are such a kill......joy you kill my joyness you kill my Nature of art ! you kill my artistery

i dont forgive you for this crime

and just to know i wrote setayesh screenplay for channel 3

i dont know why , when iranian people try to make an story ,it is dark ? we cant make a good story with happy feeling and happy ending . why we Insiste on to make a dark story like(there is mess every where or i have a headache and made things even worse ))always a true story is not the dark story there is always good and bad there are equal
I'm agree U Der Bgbang.

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نوشته اصلی توسط KHatun نمایش پست ها

I was thinking suddenly a nice plot emerged from a crappy idea

I've written this much of it, I'll keep it a secret with Saba if it sounds good

they should have chained me. when you're chained you easily feel repressed.
you start to blame others.you start to think you would be better off without them
and you don't feel guilty
but when you're literally free, you start to blame yourself for letting them down, and that my friend is worse...too damn worse!

p.s so?! :D
to B honest, it was a real secret! i didn't get u!

نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط KHatun نمایش پست ها

I didn't see this part
let's continue:

someone or something had broken into my apartment.you wouldn't need to be a genius to know this... I could sense it. you know I can sense anything, since I was a kid

p.s I'll give you a clue
think of Edgar Allan Poe stories
Lets go on:

since i was a kid.... i can remember everything in details. don't believe? ask my mom, she will tell u how i could find lost things by pointing to their place when i was 2! she will tell u how i could feel pepol's feeling around me when i was 4!
sometimes i think i am in relation with ultra creatures and they tell me waht's happening around!

p.s: now, someone's needed to tell us what suddenly came into the room!!!!!

ویرایش توسط مهرگان : 10-19-2011 در ساعت 07:21 PM
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