نمایش پست تنها
قدیمی 12-11-2007
امیر عباس انصاری آواتار ها
امیر عباس انصاری امیر عباس انصاری آنلاین نیست.
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720

6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Wink One bike. One Googler. One really long ride

سفر كاد به جرسي
يك دوچرخه، يك گوگلر و يك مسير واقعا طولاني!

One bike. One Googler. One really long ride

Chad reaches the end of his road

Friends! I survived my bike trip! Thanks to everyone for all of the help.
This trip was an incredible journey for me. We live in a truly wonderful country and I feel blessed to be a part of it. I met so many different people and rode through a wide variety of terrain. But I now understand that I've only seen a small slice of what's available in the United States, much less the world. As my friend at the Fry Canyon Lodge in Southern Utah said, "You could travel 100 miles North or South, cross again and experience a completely different story each time"
Thanks again.
For those of you who have inquired about Chad's Google jersey, it is one of a limited number originally intended only for Google staff. However, because of the volume of requests by avid bikers and Google fans, we have ordered enough to stock our online Google store (http://www.googlestore.com).
Thanks to all those who have followed Chad's journey and especially those who have sent words of encouragement. We hope the roads you travel all will be as smooth as Chad's.

This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
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