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قدیمی 04-08-2011
KHatun آواتار ها
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کاربر فعال ادبیات جهان
تاریخ عضویت: Mar 2011
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 210
سپاسها: : 86

250 سپاس در 115 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض linguistics _linguistic determinism

Linguistic determinism is a theory that language constructs thought and not the opposite. Though "linguistic determinism" has been objected, we cannot ignore the inter-relationship of culture and language. As Keith Allan asserts" prohibition from using some language affects our way of behavior towards that subject".
To answer this question that whether it is possible to deconstruct the language, I prefer to consider multilingual individuals as evidence.
Acquiring a foreign language is similar to moving towards other cultures, taming or in other words making the cultures your own. Multilingualism is therefore multiculturalism, and mixing different cultures into your identity. A multilingual person mixes these cultures in a united identity.
In a global village that today we are inhibiting, languages and consequently cultures are constantly in contact with one another. The element of stimulus in acquiring languages can be the feel that we need to adapt new elements to our communicative patterns. To avoid ambivalent behaviors, acquirers need a context in which they can feel they belong to a multicultural world and admire multiculturalism as humanistic and social value. Stephen Krashen in his theories makes a distinction between learning and acquiring languages and assert" Acquisition requires meaningful interaction in the target language – natural communication - in which speakers are concerned not with the form of their utterances but with the messages they are conveying and understanding". According to Krashen the message serves as a means through which we learn to communicate in the target language. Therefore we acquire a language through situations in which we are put. We learn how to greet in the target language as we make up an imaginary situation in a party or in a classroom. Therefore we are in contact with not only mere words but situations in which those words are used. For example, the way of greeting in English can tell us that most greetings are short and precise; therefore this can tell us something about the culture of people speaking in English, too. They are straightforward comparing to Farsi rhetoric, for example, in which being precise in greeting is equal to being rude and therefore to look friendly long sentences are more acceptable, hypocritical as it may seem. Therefore when an Iranian acquirer studies English, he gets an idea of preciseness and feels that this sort of greeting is possible, too. This becomes stronger in the cases that the acquirer comes across the subjects that are considered taboo in his/her own culture and therefore seems embarrassing. Therefore knowing other cultures makes us to constantly make judgments about which behavioral patterns to follow. In other words it broadens our options, as we make constant judgments and comparisons.

Society continually influences individual, as individual continuously influences society. Inter-cultural communication and developing handy sources of information and knowledge has made it possible for most people to access other parts of the world. Today, satellite channels are available in most houses and the programs which are broadcasted are protected from censorship, therefore people living in societies under political or social censorship of media, get access to uncensored information easily. With a sufficient knowledge of languages (preferably English) people are exposed to a wide range of programs, which can serve as communicational canals.
This process may be unconscious, as most changes in behavior happen unconsciously. But the effects of it are detectable in the amount of lectures presented in academic environments about taboo subjects and books published on them. Weblog writing is a simple, easy way to share ideas around the world. Comparing the flaw of thought in most weblogs today we can roughly estimate that most youngsters in Iranian society are open to more subjects.
For most acquirers foreign media plays a significant role in developing literacy practices and the social context embedded in them. To expose themselves to the target language they are acquiring, they tend to follow anything written or spoken in the language, which might expose them to a whole different world and make behavioral patterns which are considered as taboo today, be the norms of the tomorrow's society.

by: myself!

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