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قدیمی 12-13-2008
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تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

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دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض بازی tic tac toe به زبان c++

بازی tic tac toe به زبان c++

سایت مهدی_جم_پور

سورس و فایل پروژه و فایل exe رو از TicTacToc.zip بگیرید

#include <graphics.h> // #include <stdlib.h> // #include <string.h> // #include <stdio.h> // #include <conio.h> // #include <dos.h> // #define n 9 // //======================================================================== struct Node { short int Dim[n]; short int Value; short int Index; short int Max; Node *Link[n]; Node *Parent; }; Node *first,*source; int depth=0,buttom=0,select; long maxobject=0,objectcounter=0,search=0; int selected[n]={0},bestindex,step=0; int clickdown,clickup,xmouse=320,ymouse=400; //======================================================================== void OpenMouse() { asm{ MOV AX,0x01 // { OPEN MOUSE } INT 0x33 MOV CX,xmouse MOV DX,ymouse // { SET DEFULT X,Y FOR MOUSE } MOV AX,0x04 INT 0x33 } } //**************************************************** void CloseMouse() { asm{ MOV AX,0x03 INT 0x33 MOV xmouse,CX MOV ymouse,DX MOV AX,0x02 // { INIT MOUSE } INT 0x33 } } //**************************************************** void TestMouse() //push 1 click { asm{ MOV AX,0x03 INT 0x33 MOV clickdown,BX MOV xmouse,CX MOV ymouse,DX } } //**************************************************** void TestMouse2() //push 1 click { asm{ MOV AX,0x06 INT 0x33 MOV clickup,BX } } //**************************************************** void MouseLimit() { asm{ MOV AX,0X07 MOV CX,0 MOV DX,630 INT 0X33 MOV AX,0X08 MOV CX,0 MOV DX,470 INT 0X33 } } //**************************************************** int Isinbox(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { if ( (xmouse>x1)&&(xmouse<x2) &&(ymouse>y1)&&(ymouse<y2)) return 1; else return 0; } //**************************************************** void DetectVga(void) { int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; int left, top, right, bottom; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ } delay(1000); } //**************************************************** void CLS(void) { setfillstyle(1,0); bar(0,0,639,479); setcolor(9); rectangle(258,178,382,302); rectangle(260,180,380,300); line(260,220,380,220); line(260,260,380,260); line(300,180,300,300); line(340,180,340,300); setcolor(14); outtextxy(10,10,"Click on Box & try to win..."); setcolor(1); outtextxy(570,10,"jampour"); } //**************************************************** void tic(int a) { int x,y,z; z=a/3; a=a%3; x=280+ a*40; y=200+ z*40; CloseMouse(); setcolor(12); line(x-7,y-7,x+7,y+7); line(x-7,y+7,x+7,y-7); OpenMouse(); } //**************************************************** void tac(int a) { int x,y,z; z=a/3; a=a%3; x=280+ a*40; y=200+ z*40; CloseMouse(); setcolor(14); circle(x,y,7); OpenMouse(); } //**************************************************** int Status(Node *obj) { if(((obj->Dim[0]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[1]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[2]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[3]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[6]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[3]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[1]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-1))) return -1; else if(((obj->Dim[0]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[1]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[2]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[3]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[6]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[3]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[1]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-2))) return 1; else return 0; } //**************************************************** void Verify(Node *obj,int depth) { int i,max=-128,min=128; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { Node *child=obj->Link[i]; if( (obj->Link[i]!=NULL) && (depth%2==1) && (child->Value > max) ) { obj->Value=child->Value; max=child->Value; obj->Index=i; } if( (obj->Link[i]!=NULL) && (depth%2==0) && (child->Value < min) ) { obj->Value=child->Value; min=child->Value; obj->Index=i; } } for(i=0;i<n;i++) //delete used memory { Node *child=obj->Link[i]; if(obj->Link[i]!=NULL) { obj->Link[i]=NULL; delete child; objectcounter--; } } } //**************************************************** void Test(Node *obj,int depth) { if( ( (obj->Dim[0]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[1]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[2]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[3]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[6]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[3]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[1]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-1) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-1)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-1) ) ) { obj->Value=-1*(n+1-depth); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) obj->Link[i]=NULL; } else if( ( (obj->Dim[0]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[1]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[2]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[3]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[6]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[3]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[1]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[7]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[5]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[0]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[8]==-2) ) ||( (obj->Dim[2]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[4]==-2)&&(obj->Dim[6]==-2) ) ) { obj->Value=1*(n+1-depth); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) obj->Link[i]=NULL; } else obj->Value=0; } //**************************************************** void DLS(Node *point,int depth) { int i,j,exitcondition,game,next=0; Node *object; search++; depth++; if (maxobject < objectcounter) maxobject=objectcounter; Test(point,depth); for(i=0;i<n+1;i++) { if (i==n) Verify(point,depth); else if(point->Link[i]!=NULL) { if (!(object=new Node)) { printf("\n Erorr! memory is full."); getch(); exit (1);} objectcounter++; for(j=0;j<n;j++) { object->Dim[j]=point->Dim[j]; object->Link[j]=point->Link[j]; } object->Value=-96; object->Max=-96; point->Link[i]=object; object->Parent=point; if( (depth%2)==0 ) buttom=-1; else buttom=-2; for(j=next;j<n;j++) if(!object->Dim[j]) { object->Dim[j]=buttom; object->Link[j]= NULL; next=j+1; break; } DLS(point->Link[i],depth); }//end if }//end for } //**************************************************** void UserSelection() { if( (Isinbox(260,180,300,220)) && (!selected[0]) ) // 0 { tic(0); selected[0]=1; select=1; first->Dim[0]=-1; first->Link[0]=NULL; depth++;} else if( (Isinbox(300,180,340,220)) && (!selected[1]) ) //1 { tic(1); selected[1]=1; select=1; first->Dim[1]=-1; first->Link[1]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(340,180,380,220)) && (!selected[2]) ) //2 { tic(2); selected[2]=1; select=1; first->Dim[2]=-1; first->Link[2]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(260,220,300,260)) && (!selected[3]) ) //3 { tic(3); selected[3]=1; select=1; first->Dim[3]=-1; first->Link[3]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(300,220,340,260)) && (!selected[4]) ) //4 { tic(4); selected[4]=1; select=1; first->Dim[4]=-1; first->Link[4]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(340,220,380,260)) && (!selected[5]) ) //5 { tic(5); selected[5]=1; select=1; first->Dim[5]=-1; first->Link[5]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(260,260,300,300)) && (!selected[6]) ) //6 { tic(6); selected[6]=1; select=1; first->Dim[6]=-1; first->Link[6]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(300,260,340,300)) && (!selected[7]) ) //7 { tic(7); selected[7]=1; select=1; first->Dim[7]=-1; first->Link[7]=NULL; depth++; } else if( (Isinbox(340,260,380,300)) && (!selected[8]) ) //8 { tic(8); selected[8]=1; select=1; first->Dim[8]=-1; first->Link[8]=NULL; depth++; } } //**************************************************** void ComputerSelection(int depth) { source=new Node; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { source->Dim[i]=first->Dim[i]; source->Link[i]=first->Link[i]; } bestindex=0; DLS(source,depth); bestindex=source->Index; tac(bestindex); selected[bestindex]=1; source->Dim[bestindex]=-2; source->Link[bestindex]=NULL; first->Dim[bestindex]=-2; first->Link[bestindex]=NULL; gotoxy(1,1); printf(".: Maximum search = %ld :. ",search); gotoxy(1,2); printf(".: Memory used = %ld Byte :. ",maxobject*(4*n+8)); gotoxy(1,3); printf(".: objcet used = %ld :. ",maxobject); maxobject=0; search=0; } //**************************************************** void main(void) { DetectVga(); CLS(); MouseLimit(); OpenMouse(); first=new Node; for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { first->Dim[i]=0; first->Link[i]=first; //because should Not equal than NULL } int game; int depth=0; step=depth/2; do { select=0; TestMouse2(); //for get click up of mouse if((Isinbox(260,180,380,300))&&(clickup)) { UserSelection(); step++; } game=Status(source); if( (step>n/2)||(game) ) break; if( select) { ComputerSelection(depth); clickdown=0; depth+=2; } game=Status(source); if(game) break; TestMouse(); //for get click down of mouse }while( (!Isinbox(550,435,630,470)) || (!clickdown) ); setcolor(14); rectangle(10,400,200,470); if(game==1) { setcolor(4); outtextxy(35,420,"<<< You Lose ! >>>"); } else if(game==-1) { setcolor(10); outtextxy(35,420,"<<< You Win >>>"); } else { setcolor(15); outtextxy(35,420,"<<< Game Equal >>>"); } setcolor(12); outtextxy(20,450,"Click here to exit."); do TestMouse(); //for get click down of mouse while( (!Isinbox(10,400,200,470)) || (!clickdown) ); CloseMouse(); closegraph(); }

فایلهای پیوست شده : متاسفانه تمامی فایلهای ضمیمه شده تا مرداد 91 یعنی July, 2012 به خاطر بی دقتی شرکت سرویس دهنده خدمات سرور ما از بین رفته است بنابراین به تاریخ ضمیمه شدن فایلهایی که میخواهید دانلود کنید دقت بفرمایید که ما شرمسار بازدید کنندگان گرامی خود نشویم . فایلهای ضمیمه شده بعد از این تاریخ هیچ گونه مشکلی ندارند .

در فرصت مقتضی سعی خواهد شد فایلهای پرطرفردار تر که توسط خود بازدید کنندگان گرامی درخواست داده میشود به مرور اپلود و جایگزین شود. با تشکر
نوع فایل: zip TicTacToc.zip‏ (46.3 کیلو بایت, 326 نمایش)
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