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قدیمی 07-10-2012
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تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
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دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض استفاده از درایو های ntfs در لینوکس Linux mount ntfs or Access NTFS partition from Linux

استفاده از درایو های ntfs در لینوکس Linux mount ntfs or Access NTFS partition from Linux

Mounting a Windows XP NTFS partition in Linux

How to access a Windows XP or Vista NTFS partition from Linux. The following tutorial explains how to gain access to a Windows NTFS partition using Linux. Reading or accessing NTFS partitions in Linux is important for many reasons. Some users repair Windows Operating environments using Linux, while others use a dual boot operating environment and would like to have access to their Windows File system.

The good news is that this is not a complicated task to accomplish. As a matter of fact, for those using a Linux version derived from Debian, (I.E. Ubuntu, Knoppix, etc…) the process can be accomplished in a matter of seconds.

How to Mount a Windows NTFS file system partition in Linux:

NOTE: In step four of the following tutorial, replace hdx1 with your actual partition found in step two. For example hda1, hdb2, sda1, etc.

1. Open a terminal and type sudo su
2. Type fdisk -l (note which partition contains the NTFS file system)
3. Type mkdir /media/windows (This directory is where we will access the partition)
4. Type mount /dev/hdx1 /media/windows/ -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222
5. Type cd /media/windows (Moves us to the windows directory)
6. Type ls to list the files on the NTFS partition

Notes: Alternately, you can navigate to the media/windows directory outside of terminal to view the files.

To unmount the Windows NTFS partiton, from the terminal simply type umount /media/windows/

اینجا هم همینو توضیح داده :


و این جا هم 2 تا نرم افزار معرفی شده که به سادگی این کارو براتون انجام میده :

مرا سر نهان گر شود زير سنگ -- از آن به كه نامم بر آيد به ننگ
به نام نكو گر بميــرم رواست -- مرا نام بايد كه تن مرگ راست

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