بخش عمومی ورزش در این تالار به مباحث عمومی ورزش از قبیل رشته های مختلف آن پرداخته میشود |
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Muhammad Ali (کاسیوس مارسلوس کلی) محمدعلی کلی و دخترش لیلا
محمدعلی کلی
از ویکیپدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد.
در جوانی
زمان حال
محمدعلی کلی
محمدعلی کِلِی (۱۹۴۲،) کاسیوس مارسلوس کلی، مشتزن بازنشسته سنگین وزن و قهرمان سه دوره مسابقات قهرمانی جهان است.
او در ۱۹۷۵ مسلمان شد. وی چهار بار ازدواج کرد و صاحب هفت دختر و دو پسر (یکی از این دو فرزند خوانده وی است) شد. همسر نخست وی در سال ۱۹۶۶ از وی طلاق گرفت و سال ۱۹۶۷ با دختری ۱۷ ساله به نام «بلیندا بوید» ازدواج کرد که نام این زن پس از ازدواج به خلیله علی تغییر یافت. در۱۹۷۴ رابطهای عاشقانه با زنی به نام «ورونیکا پورشه» آغاز کرد که در نتیجه در ۱۹۷۷ ازدواج دوم هم به طلاق انجامید و با ورونیکا پورشه از دواج کرد. در ۱۹۸۶ ورونیکا هم طلاق گرفت. وپس از آن با همسر چهارمش "یولانداً ازدواج کرد او دختری بود که وی را از زمانی که این دختر شش ساله و محمد علی ۲۲ ساله بود میشناخت.
لیلا علی دختر محمد علی و ادامه دهنده راه پدر
لیلا کلی: میخواهند مثل پدرم مشت بزنم
لیلا علی، دختر بزرگ محمد علی کلی بوکسباز معروف جهان، سی و پنج سال بعد از اینکه پدرش به جو فریزر (اسمکین) باخت، در گاردن مبارزه خواهد کرد.
او در مسابقه سنگین وزن فدراسیون جهانی بوکس که در روز یازدهم نوامبر بین قهرمان ولادیمیر کلیتسچکو و کالوین بروک شکست ناپذیر برگزار میشود، حاضر خواهد شد.
علی، با وجود کسری وزنی که دارد، از زمان شروع حرفهای بازی بوکس در سال 1999، با رکورد 22 به صفر و ناک اوت، قهرمان مسابقات سنگین وزن WBC است.
لیلا علی گفته است: «از اینکه در مدیسن اسکوئر گاردن باشم هیجان زدهام. آنجا زیر فشار زیادی قرار دارم چون همه من را دختر محمدعلی کلی میشناسند و باید زیاد سعی کنم. باید کاری را انجام دهم که او قبلا انجام داده است.»
حریفان علی به زودی مشخص خواهند شد.
محمد علی، روز هفدهم دسامبر ناظر مسابقه آخر دخترش در برلین بود، جائی که لیلا، آسا ساندل حریف سوئدی خود را در پنج دور متوقف کرد. محمد علی شصت و چهارساله که به علت مریضی پارکینسون به آرامی حرکت میکرد، به سمت رینگ رفت تا دخترش را ببوسد.
«او افتخار میکرد که من برنده شدهام، هرچند که ترجیح میداد من مبارزه نکنم.»
لیلا از پدرش میگفت: «دراکثر مسابقاتم حضور دارد. او وارد رینگ میشود و من را میبوسد. احساس شیرینی است.»
این بار هم احتمال دارد که محمد علی در گاردن حضور پیدا کند. محلی که وی در طول دوره مسابقاتش تماشاگران زیادی را مبهوت کرده بود.
او در سال 1971 تاج سنگین وزن را در 15 دور به فریزر باخت، اما سه سال بعد در دور برگشت جبران کرد و در نهایت برنده شد.
لیلا گفت:« فقط به این بستگی دارد که او چه حالی داشته باشد. هم روزهای خوب دارد و هم روزهای بد. ناخوش است. اما هنوز سفر می کند و دور دنیا می چرخد. مردم اغلب نگرانش هستند. من به اندازه او انرژی ندارم تا کارهایی را که میکند، انجام دهم.»
کلیتسچکو، که قسمتی از فروش بلیت را به برنامه کمک به تحصیل کودکان نیازمند یونسکو اهدا کرده است، یکی از چهار قهرمان سنگین وزن شوروی سابق به همراه نیکولای والویف، اولگ ماسکایف و سرگئی لیاخوویچ است.
کلیتسچکو (46-3 با 41 ناک اوت) رقیب لیلا علی است که 20 مبارزه کمتر از او داشته است.
کلیتسچکو میگوید: « کالوین بروک یکی از سه نفر برتردنیا است. شکست ناپذیر، جوان و مشتاق بردن.»
کلیتسچکو در مبارزه ماه آوریل و یک مبارزه یک طرفه، در راند هفتم کریس بایرد را مغلوب کرد تا عنوان IBF سنگین وزن جهان را بهدست آورد. این بوکسور اوکراینی بعد از باختهایی که به کوری ساندرز و لامن بروستور داشت، به لطف کوبیدن بوکسور نیجریهای ساموئل پیتر، در اکتبر به شرایط مطلوب بازگشته است.
بروک در مسابقه ماه ژوئن لاس وگاس (29 – 0) که به خاطر کم کاری مورد استهزاء قرار گرفته بود، با تصمیم منصفانهای در مقابل تیمور ایبراهیمف پیروز شد.
بروک میگوید: « من چانه او را به خاطر امتیاز پائین نمیآورم. او با مشتهای سنگین ناک اوت میشد. با قدرت من، اگر درست او را بزنم، ناک اوتش میکنم.»
لیلا علی 28ساله رقیب این مشتزنهاست و مراقب است که برای بار اول ناک اوت نشود.
لیلا در مصاحبه اختصاصی که داشت با صدائی ملایم صحبت میکرد، اما در کنفرانس خبری که در سالن گاردن برگزار شد، صدایش با صدای محمد علی کلی شباهت داشت.
او گفت: « من می توانم "داغون" کنم، خب؟ چیزی است که پدرم داشته و برای من به ارث گذاشته. من پدرم نیستم، سعی هم نمیکنم که باشم. اما یک مشت زنم و اینجا میآیم و میروم تا اینجا در گاردن رقیبم را بی اما و اگر شکست دهم..»
ترجمه: امیر مجیری
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
جای تبلیغات شما اینجا خالیست با ما تماس بگیرید
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
(کاسیوس مارسلوس کلی) معرفی محمدعلی کلی و دخترش لیلا
محمد علی کلی
هنگامی که در سال 1964 برای اولین بار در میامی قهرمان سنگین وزن جهان شد
کاسیوس مارچلوس کلی (Cassius Marcellus Clay) ملقب به محمد علی کلی متولد در 17 ژانویه 1942 در آمریکا، یکی از بزرگترین و مشهورترین بوکسورهای سنگین وزن جهان است که پس از گرویدن به اسلام در فعالیتهای سیاسی نیز نقش داشت و به همین دلیل بیش از سایر قهرمانان ورزشی در جهان مطرح شد. وی همچنین در قرن بیستم عنوان یکی از بزرگترین قهرمانان ورزشی را نیز از آن خود کرد.
آغاز راه
محمد علی در محله لوییس ویل (Luisville) کنتاکی دوران کودکی خود را سپری کرد. در سن 12 سالگی هنگامی دوچرخه کوچکش به سرقت رفت، مثل بسیاری از کودکان دیگر گریه کنان نزد پدرش نرفت بلکه ماجرا را برای پلیس محلی شان جو مارتین (Joe Martin) که یک مربی بوکس هم بود گزارش کرد. مارتین پیشنهاد کرد که راه مبارزه کردن را تحت نظر او یاد بگیرد و این پسر بچه 12 ساله به سرعت تحت فرامین مارتین در امر یادگیری بوکس پیشرفت کرد. تا زمانی که به دبیرستان رفت در کنتاکی موفق به کسب 6 عنوان شد و با این موفقیتها مسوولین مدسه در عوض، نمرات ضعیف درسی اش را نادیده گرفتند و اجازه دادند تا او فارغ التحصیل شود.
در بازیهای المپیک تابستانی سال 1960 در رم او مدال طلای بوکس در رده سبک وزن را کسب کرد و سپس بعد از آن آموزش بوکس حرفه ای را زیر نظر آنجلو داندی (Angelo Dundee) ادامه داد و همزمان در همان سالها بود که عقاید غیر معمول مذهبی خود را بروز داد. ضمن اینکه نتایج دور از انتظار و خیره کننده او در مسابقات، و روحیه خستگی ناپذیرش موجب شده بود تا لقب مشت زن لوییس ویل را از آن خود کند. چرا که هیچ رقیبی در آن منطقه نتوانسته بود وی را شکست دهد. او به همین علت همیشه می گفت: "من قوی ترینم، جوانم و پر انرژی! سریع هستم و هیچکس نمی تواند مرا شکست دهد."
در 29 اکتبر 1960 در لوییس ویل، کاسیوس کلی در اولین رینگ حرفه ای خود پیروز شد و در 6 رینگ توانست تونی هونساکر (Tunney Hunsaker) را که رییس پلیس فایتویل (Fayetteville)ویرجینیای شرقی بود فائق آمد.
از سال 1960 تا 1963 این مبارزه گر جوان در 15 مسابقه نفسگیر دیگر حریفانش را ناک اوت کرد.کسانی مثل تونی اسپرتی (Tony Esperti)،جیم رابینسون (Jim Robinson) ،دانی فلیمن (Donnie Fleeman) ، داک سابدانگ (Duke Sabedong) آلونزو جانسون (Alonzo Johnson) ، گئورگ لوگان (George Logan) ، ویلی بسمانف (Willi Besmanoff) و لامار کلارک ( lamar Clark) که در دوره اوج خود بیش از 40 پیروزی قاطعانه داشت.
شاید هیجان انگیز ترین و پر افتخارترین موفقیت کلی را در آن دوران پیروزی برابر سانی بنکس (Sonny Banks) ، آلخاندرو لاورانته (Alejandro Lavorante) و آرچی مور (Archie Moore) که سابقه 200 پیروزی چشمگیر داشتند، باشد. اگرچه بنکس و لاورانته هر دو پس از این در مسابقات دیگر روی رینگ کشته شدند و کلی تنها مدعی عنوان قهرمانی برابر سانی لیستون (Sonny Liston) شد. رویارویی با سانی لیستون رقابتی بود که همه بوکسور ها با هراس از آن حرف می زدند و بوکسوری به سن و سال کم کلی نتوانسته بود او را تاکنون شکست دهد و این عنوان را کسب کند.
جنگ کلی و لیستون
کلی برابر لیستون
کلی هدف بزرگ و انگیزه خوبی داشت، اما لیستون هم از اعتماد به نفس بالایی برخوردار بود و برای هر مبارزه ای آماده! در راند نخستین سرعت بازی کلی موجب حیرت همگان شد، حتی لیستون نیز از این مساله شگفت زده شد. قبل از مسابقه آرچی مور و سوگار ری رابینسون (Sugar Ray Robinson) به کلی هشدار داده بودند که مراقب سر خود باشد چرا که سانی ضربات سهمگینی دارد، ضمن اینکه از وزن بالای خود در تحت فشار گذاشتن حریف استفاده مکرد. به همین دلیل کلی حسابی در راند اول شرایط را بررسی کرد و سعی می کرد به او فرصت ندهد.
در همان ابتدای راند سوم به طرز آشکاری لیستون خستگی خود را بروز داد و کلی از این مساله بیشترین سود را برد و با ضرباتی سنگین او را ضعیفتر هم کرد. در ثانیه های پایانی راند سوم با یکی از ضربات کلی زیر چشم سانی شکاف عمیقی خورد و همین خونریزی نیروی او را بیش از پیش تحلیل داد. در راند چهارم لیستون با بهره جویی از خستگی کلی کمی خود را جمع و جور کرد، اما بوکسور جوان با استفاده از همین نیروی جوانی تا راند ششم خود را سرپا نگه داشت و منتظر پایان مسابقه بود که به ناگاه لیسون پس از چند ضربه از درد به خود پیچید و اعلام کرد که بازویش در رفته و اینجا بود که از ادامه مسابقه بازماند و کلی با قدرت خود را "پادشاه جهان" نامید و با فریاد از همه خبرنگاران حاضر در ورزشگاه خواست که در وصف قدرت نمایی او مقاله های جذابی بنویسند!
در یک رقابت نفسگیر و پر استرس او بالاخره قهرمان جهان شد. اما باید پس از آن قدرت و توانی خود را به سایرین هم نشان میداد. در ماه نوامبر 1965 توانست قهرمان اسبق دنیا فلوید پترسون (Floyd Patterson) را شکست دهد. در راند دوازدهم داور مسابقه به علت شرایط فیزیکی بد فلوید، بازی را متوقف کرد و کلی را برنده بازی اعلام نمود. (ادامه دارد ...)
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
ویرایش توسط امیر عباس انصاری : 05-31-2008 در ساعت 03:54 AM
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
(کاسیوس مارسلوس کلی) معرفی محمدعلی کلی و دخترش لیلا
محمد علی کلی یک اسطوره، یک قهرمان -
قسمت دوم
محمد علی کلی قبل از مسابقه با فریزر
کلی به محمد علی مبدل شد
در فاصله میان این دو مسابقه، کاسیوس به دلایل دیگری نیز مطرح و معروف شد. او به خیل عظیم مسلمین چهان پیوست و نام خود را به محمد علی تغییر داد. اگرچه این مساله فقط از سوی عده اندکی پذیرفته شد که او را محمد علی کلی بنامند. سالهای 1966 و 67 برای این قهرمان مسلمان سالهای پر مشغله ای بودند. چرا که او مجبور شد هفت بار از عنوان قهرمانی اش دفاع کند. هیچیک از قهرمانان سابق دنیا در طول یکسال این کار در چنین دفعاتی انجام نداده اند.
در مارس 1966 در برابر یکی از سرسخت ترین حریفانش که یک بوکسور کانادایی به نام گئورگ چاوالو (Georg Chuvalo) بود در یکی از نفسگیرترین مبارزات به پیروزی رسید. چاوالو پیش از این در رده حرفه ای خود هرگز شکست نخورده بود.
پس از این مسابقه او به انگلیس رفت تا با بولداگهای انگلیسی: براین لاندن (Brain London) و هنری کوپر (Henry Cooper) که او را در یک بازی دوستانه در سال 1963 شکست داده بودند، دست و پنجه نرم کند. او هر دوی اینها را ناک اوت کرد و به آلمان رفت تا برابر کارل میلدنبرگر (Karl Mildenberger) اولین آلمانی که برای عنوان ماکس اشملینگ (Max Schmeling) میجنگید، به روی رینگ رود.
این مسابقه به اعتراف خودش بسیار سخت و دشوار بود، اما در راند دوازدهم بالاخره میلدنبرگ را ناک اوت کرد. در نوامبر 1966 او باز به ایالات متحده برگشت تا گربه بزرگ "ویلیامز" (Williams) را در هوستون شکست دهد! ویلیامز از آن دسته بوکسورهایی بود که ید طولایی در ناک اوت کردن حریف داشت، اما محمد علی به آسانی در راند سوم او را شکست داد. در ماههای بعد او به آسانی در هر رینگی پیروز میشد و نامش لرزه بر پیکره هر بوکسوری می انداخت.
در همان سال بود که وی به عنوان یک سرباز میهن پرست از حضور در ارتش آمریکا برای جنگ ویتنام سر باز زد و اعلام کرد که هرگز به روی همنوعان ویتنامی خود آتش نمی گشاید و نمی خواهد آنها او را کاکا سیاه کثیف صدا بزنند، که همین مساله مدتها سر زبانها بود و پس از آن حتی از حضور در رقابتهای بوکس به مدت 5 سال محروم شد و گواهینامه بوکسش نیز به حالت تعلیق در آمد، البته مدتی بعد این محکومیت به 3سال کاهش پیدا کرد.
قهرمانی محمد علی در المپیک - در سن 18 سالگی
عکس العمل محمد علی و سرباز زدن او از خدمت به ارتش در جنگ و گرویدنش به اسلام به روشنی شیوه ستیزه جویی او را با سیاستهای استعمارگرایانه نشان می داد. قهرمان بوکس جهان در میان قشر زیادی از مردم محبوبیتی ناگفتنی پیدا کرده و مخصوصا مسلمانان سیاه پوست به شدت هوادارش شده بودند.
وی تحت تعالیم رهبران بزرگ اسلام مثل الیجاه محمد (Elijah Muhammad) و مالکوم ایکس(Malcom X) و تبعیت از فرامین آنها در امر اسلام به سرعت مورد انزجار جامعه سفیدپوست و مسیحی تبار آمریکایی قرار گرفت. شاید عمده انزجار آنها به این علت بود که نمی خواستند نماینده ای از سیاهان مدافع حقوق اجتماعی آنها باشد. در سال 1970 پس از سپری کردن دوران محرومیت خود به علت شرکت نکردن در جنگ او بار دیگر گواهینامه بوکس خود را دریافت کرد، اما به علت وقفه ای چند ساله در ورزش حرفه ای عنوان قهرمانی سال 1971 رادر مبارزه ای با جو فریزر (Joe Frazer) در مادیسون اسکوار گاردن (Madison Square Garden) از دست داد. این مسابقه شاید به نظر بسیاری دیگر چیزی شبیه مسابقات دیگر باشد اما برای دو رقیبی که هر کدام شکست ناپذیر بوده به منزله جولانجگاهی برای نمایش قدرت و مهارتشان است. هر دو مدعی و هر دو مبارزه طلب ... هرچند فریزر در راند آخر او را ناک اوت کرد و این تراژدی به ضرر کلی پایان یافت.
تحت الشعاع اسلام
گرایش او به اسلام زندگیش را تا حد زیادی تحت شعاع قرار داد و حتی تعالیم دینی کسانی که تحت رهبریشان بود اورا واداشت تا قرآن را با جدیت فرا بگیرد و او همچنین کم کم این ذهنیت را که سفید پوستان از شیاطین هستند و زاییده تفکرات تبعیض نژادی بود به فراموشی سپرد و یاد گرفت که مردمان جهان از هر رنگ و ملیتی که باشند، همنوع هم هستند و باید در این دنیا خود را برای زندگی در دنیای دیگر آماده کنند.
در سال 1975 محمد علی، فریزر را در مانیلای (Manilla) فیلیپین شکست داد و به زعم خودش و البته کارشناسان یکی از جنجالی ترین مسابقات بوکس دنیا بود. پس از 14 راند خسته کننده، ادی فاچ (Eddie Futch) مربی فریزر مانع او از ادامه مسابقه شد و دست راست کلی به عنوان پیروز میدان بالا رفت و این مسابقه یکی از تاریخی ترین مسابقات بوکس در دفتر تاریخ این رشته لقب گرفت. مجله رینگ این مبارزه را "مبارزه منتخب سال" نامید و برای کلی پس از 5 سال محرومیت عنوان فوق العاده ای بود.
عده بسیار زیادی فکر میکردند محمد علی کلی پس از این مبارزه بازنشسته میشود، اما اینگونه نشد و او همچنان به بوکس ادامه داد.
در 30 آوریل 1976 رو در روی جیمی یانگ (Jimmy Young) قرار گرفت و البته بدترین مبارزه خود را انجام داد. وی هم اضافه وزن پیدا کرده بود و هم از آمادگی فیزیکی خوبی برخوردار نبود و به نظر می رسید رقیب جوان خود را نیز چندان جدی نگرفته بود. عده بسیاری که در کنار رینگ قرار داشتند یانگ را مستحق پیروزی میدانستند و حتی مربی کلی هم او را بابت عملکرد ضعیفش سرزنش کرد. در ماه سپتامبر همان سال محمد علی برابر کن نورتون (Ken Norton) روی رینگ رفت و در استادیوم یانکیها یکبار دیگر از قدرت خود دفاع کرد.
در المپیک سال 1978 بار دیگر عنوان قهرمانی را که در 1976 از دست داده بود با غلبه بر لئون اسپینکس (Leon Spinks) که تنها 8 بازی حرفه ای داشت به دست آورد و برای سومین بار قهرمان سنگین وزن دنیا لقب گرفت.
اعلام بازنشستگی
محمد علی در حال مبارزه
در 27 ژوئن 1979 محمد علی اعلام بازنشستگی کرد و با دنیای پر هیجان رینگ و بوکس خداحافظی نمود. اگرچه در طی دو سال پس از آن مسابقاتی هم انجام داد ولی در آخرین مسابقه خود برابر ترور بربیک (Trevor Bebick) که 12 سال از او جوانتر بود شکست خورد و پس از این شکست در سال 1981 با رکورد 56 پیروزی، 37 ناک اوت و 5 شکست به طور کامل از بوکس کناره گیری کرد.
محمد عل کلی حتی در بوکس هم عقاید ضد اورتودوکس داشت و مثلا" به جای آنکه مثل سایر بوکسورهای اورتودوکس هنگام دفاع دستهایش را بالا و روی صورتش بگیرد، آنها را در پایین میگرفت، همیشه فاصله اش با حریف نسبت به سایرین بیشتر بود و ضربات مشتش به سر از هر بوکسور دیگری بیشتر بود. اگرچه شاید این مساله در طول یک مسابقه ریسک بیشتری داشته باشد اما ضربات سنگین به اعضای بدن برای ناک اوت کردن حریف از روی رینگ موثرتر است و کلی معتقد بود نمیخواهد با فریب دادن دیگران قهرمان شود.
دوران پس از بازنشستگی
در سال 1982 محمد علی دچار سندروم پارکینسون شد، اما از محبوبیتش نزد مردم و هوادارنش چیزی نکاست و هچمنان مورد توجه میلیونها نفر در سراسر جهان بود. در سال 1985 افتخار روشن کردن مشعل المپیک را در جورجیای آتلانتا پیدا کرد.
از آنجایی که دخترش لیلا علی (Leila Ali) به رشته پدر علاقه فراوانی داشت از سال 1999 بوکس حرفه ای را آغاز کرد. اما پدرش پیش از این در سال 1978 در مورد بوکس زنان گفته بود: "زنان هرگز نمی توانند به خاطر فیزیولوژی بدنشان مثل مردان بوکس بازی کنند. ضربات سهمگین بوکس باعث بروز مشکلاتی برایشان می شود که گاها" جبران ناپذیر است."
محمد علی در حال حاضر همراه خانواده اش در میشیگان (Michigan) زندگی میکند.
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Muhammad Ali (کاسیوس مارسلوس کلی) معرفی محمدعلی کلی و دخترش لیلا
Muhammad Ali
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other persons named Muhammad Ali, see Muhammad Ali (disambiguation).
"Cassius Clay" redirects here. For other uses, see Cassius Clay (disambiguation).
Muhammad Ali
Statistics Name Muhammad Ali Birth name Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. Nickname The Greatest, The Champ,
The Louisville Lip Height 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in) Reach 2m Weight division Heavyweight Nationality United States Birth date January 17, 1942 (1942-01-17) (age 66) Birth place Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. Stance Orthodox Boxing record Total fights 61 Wins 56 Wins by KO 37 Losses 5 Draws 0 No contests 0 Medal record Olympic Games boxing Gold 1960 Rome Light heavyweight Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. on January 17, 1942) is a retired American boxer and former three-time World Heavyweight Champion and winner of an Olympic Light-heavyweight gold medal. In 1999, Ali was crowned "Sportsman of the Century" by Sports Illustrated and the BBC.
Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky. He was named after his father, Cassius Marcellus Clay Sr., who was named for the 19th century abolitionist and politician Cassius Clay. Ali changed his name after joining the Nation of Islam in 1964, subsequently converted to Sunni Islam in 1975 and then Sufism.
Fighting style
Ali was best known for his fighting style which he described as "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee". His movement is often described as a dance; some go so far as to call it beautiful.[who?] Throughout his career Ali made a name for himself with great handspeed, as well as fast feet and taunting tactics. While Ali was renowned for his fast, sharp out-fighting style, he also had a great chin, and displayed a great heart and ability to take a punch in his 1974 fight against George Foreman in Zaire, called the Rumble in the Jungle.
Early life
Muhammad Ali was born on January 17, 1942. His father, Clay Sr., painted billboards and signs, and his mother, Odessa Grady Clay, was a household domestic. Although Clay Sr. was a Methodist, he allowed Odessa to bring up both Clay boys as Baptists.
Amateur career; Olympic gold
Ali was first directed toward boxing by Louisville police officer, Joe E. Martin, who encountered the then twelve-year-old Cassius Clay fuming over the fact that his bicycle had been stolen.[3] However, without Martin knowing, he also began training with Fred Stoner at another gym.[who?] In this way, he could continue making $4 a week on Tomorrow's Champions, a TV show that Martin hosted, while benefiting from the coaching of the more-experienced Stoner, who continued working with Ali throughout his amateur career.[who?]
Ali's last amateur loss was to Kent Green of Chicago, who could say he was the last person to defeat the champion until Ali lost to Joe Frazier in 1971 as a pro. Under Stoner's guidance, Muhammad Ali went on to win six Kentucky Golden Gloves titles, two national Golden Gloves titles, an Amateur Athletic Union National Title, and the Light Heavyweight gold medal in the 1960 Summer Olympics in Rome.[4] Ali's record was 100 wins, with five losses, when he ended his amateur career.
Ali states (in his 1975 autobiography) that he threw his Olympic gold medal into the Ohio River after being refused service at a 'whites-only' restaurant, and fighting with a white gang. Whether this is true is still debated, although he was given a replacement medal during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, where he lit the torch to start the games.
Early professional career
After his Olympic triumph, Ali returned to Louisville to begin his professional career. There, on October 29, 1960, he won his first professional fight, a six-round decision over Tunney Hunsaker, who was the police chief of Fayetteville, West Virginia.
Standing tall, at 6-ft, 3-in (1.91 m), Ali had a highly unorthodox style for a heavyweight boxer. Rather than the normal style of carrying the hands high to defend the face, he instead relied on foot speed and quickness to avoid punches and carried his hands low.
From 1960 to 1963, the young fighter amassed a record of 19-0, with 15 knockouts. He defeated boxers such as Tony Esperti, Jim Robinson, Donnie Fleeman, Alonzo Johnson, George Logan, Willi Besmanoff, Lamar Clark (who had won his previous 40 bouts by knockout), Doug Jones and Henry Cooper.
Ali built a reputation by correctly predicting the round in which he would "finish" several opponents, and by boasting before his triumphs. Ali admitted he adopted the latter practice from "Gorgeous" George Wagner, a popular professional wrestling champion in the Los Angeles area who drew thousands of fans. Often referred to as "the man you loved to hate," George could incite the crowd with a few heated remarks, and Ali followed suit.
Among Ali's victims were Sonny Banks (who knocked him down during the bout), Alejandro Lavorante, and the aged Archie Moore (a boxing legend who had fought over 200 previous fights, and who had been Ali's trainer prior to Angelo Dundee). Ali had considered continuing using Moore as a trainer following the bout, but Moore had insisted that the ****y "Louisville Lip" perform training camp chores such as sweeping and dishwashing. He also considered having his idol, Sugar Ray Robinson, as a manager, but instead hired Dundee.
Ali first met Dundee when the latter was in Louisville with light heavyweight champ Willie Pastrano. The teenaged Golden Glove winner traveled downtown to the fighter's hotel, called Dundee from the house phone, and was asked up to their room. He took advantage of the opportunity to query Dundee (who was working with, or had, champions Sugar Ramos and Carmen Basilio) about what his fighters ate, how long they slept, how much roadwork (jogging) they did, and how long they sparred.
Following his bout with Moore, Ali won a disputed 10-round decision over Doug Jones in a matchup that was named "Fight of the Year" for 1963. Ali's next fight was against Henry Cooper, who knocked Ali down with a left hook near the end of the fourth round. The fight was stopped in the fifth due to a deep cut on Cooper's face.
Despite these close calls, Ali became the top contender for Sonny Liston's title. Despite his impressive record, however, he was not widely expected to defeat the champ. The fight was scheduled for February 25, 1964 in Miami, Florida, but was nearly canceled when the promoter, Bill Faversham, heard that Ali had been seen around Miami and in other cities with the controversial Malcolm X. At the time, The Nation of Islam — of which Malcolm X was a member — was portrayed as a "hate group" by most of the media. Because of this, news of this association was perceived as a potential gate-killer to a bout where, given Liston's overwhelming status as the favorite to win (7-1 odds[5]), had Ali's colorful persona and nonstop braggadocio as its sole appeal.
Faversham confronted Ali about his association with Malcolm X (who, at the time, was actually under suspension by the Nation as a result of controversial comments made in the wake of President Kennedy's assassination, which he called a case of "the chickens coming home to roost"). While stopping short of admitting he was a member of the Nation, Ali protested the suggested cancellation of the fight. As a compromise, Faversham asked the fighter to delay his announcement about his conversion to Islam until after the fight. The incident is described in the 1975 book The Greatest: My Own Story by Ali (with Richard Durham).
During the weigh-in on the day before the bout, the ever-boastful Ali, who frequently taunted Liston during the buildup by dubbing him "the big ugly bear" (among other things), declared that he would "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee," and, summarizing his strategy for avoiding Liston's assaults, said, "Your hands can't hit what your eyes can't see."
First title fight
Main article: Muhammad Ali versus Sonny Liston
Ali (still known as Cassius Clay until after the bout), however, had a plan for the fight. At the pre-fight weigh-in, Ali's pulse rate was around 120, more that double his norm of 54. Liston, along with others, misread this as nervousness, and as such, was typically over-confident and unprepared for any result other than a quick knockout victory in his favor. In the opening rounds, Ali's speed kept him away from Liston's powerful head and body shots, as he used his height advantage to beat Liston to the punch with his own lightning-quick jab.
By the third round, Ali was ahead on points and had opened a cut under Liston's eye. Liston regained some ground in the fourth, as Ali was blinded by a substance in his eyes. It is unconfirmed whether this was something used to close Liston's cuts, or deliberately applied to Liston's gloves for a nefarious purpose; however, Bert Sugar (author, boxing historian and insider) has recalled at least two other Liston fights in which a similar situation occurred, suggesting the possibility that the Liston corner deliberately attempted to cheat.
Whatever the case, Liston came into the fourth round aggressively looking to put away the challenger. As Ali struggled to recover his vision, he sought to escape Liston's offensive. He was able to keep out of range until his sweat and tears rinsed the substance from his eyes, responding with a flurry of combinations near the end of the fifth round. By the sixth, he was looking for a finish and dominated Liston. Then, Liston shocked the boxing world when he failed to answer the bell for the seventh round, later claiming a shoulder injury as the reason. Muhammad Ali had indeed "Shook up the world!" just as he had promised.
In the rematch, which was held in May 1965 in relatively-remote Lewiston, Maine, Ali won by knockout in the first round as a result of what came to be called the "phantom punch." Many believe that Liston, possibly as a result of threats from Nation of Islam extremists, or in an attempt to "throw" the fight to pay off debts, just wanted to call it a day and waited to be counted out (see Muhammad Ali versus Sonny Liston). Others, however, discount both scenarios and insist that it was a quick, chopping Ali punch to the side of the head that legitimately felled Liston.
Ali at an address by Elijah Muhammad
After winning the championship from Liston in 1964, Clay revealed that he was a member of the Nation of Islam (often called the Black Muslims at the time) and the Nation gave Clay the name Cassius X, discarding his surname as a symbol of his ancestors' enslavement, as had been done by other Nation members. On Friday, March 6, 1964, Malcolm X took Clay on a guided tour of the United Nations building (for a second time). Malcolm X announced that Clay would be granted his "X." That same night, Elijah Muhammad recorded a statement over the phone to be played over the radio that Clay would be renamed Muhammad (one who is worthy of praise) Ali (fourth rightly guided caliph). Only a few journalists (most notably Howard Cosell) accepted it at that time. Venerable boxing announcer Don Dunphy addressed the champion by his adopted name, as did British reporters. The adoption of this name symbolized his new identity as a member of the Nation of Islam.
Clay had discovered the Nation during a Golden Gloves tournament in Chicago in 1959, even writing a high school report on the organization. His school teachers at Louisville Central High were alarmed that a youngster with that much potential expressed interest in the nationalist faith. They dissuaded him from becoming involved. Many sportswriters of the early 1960s reported that it was Ali's brother, Rudy Clay, who converted to Islam first (estimating the date as 1962). Others wrote that Clay had been seen at Muslim rallies two years before he fought Liston. Ali's own version is that he did buy a copy of the "Muhammad Speaks" newspaper from a Muslim in Chicago, and a 45 rpm record by Minister Louis X (later Farrakhan) called "A White Man's Heaven is a Black Man's Hell."
Aligning himself with the Nation of Islam made him a lightning rod for controversy, turning the outspoken but popular champion into one of that era's most recognizable and controversial figures. Appearing at rallies with Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad and declaring his allegiance to him at a time when mainstream America viewed them with suspicion — if not outright hostility — made Ali a target of outrage, as well as suspicion. Ali seemed at times to provoke such reactions, with viewpoints that wavered from support for civil rights to outright support of separatism. For example, Ali once stated, in relation to integration: "We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad don't want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don't want to live with the white man; that's all."[6] And in relation to inter-racial marriage: "No intelligent black man or black woman in his or her right black mind wants white boys and white girls coming to their homes to marry their black sons and daughters."[6] Indeed, Ali's religious beliefs at the time included the notion that the white man was "the devil" and that white people were not "righteous." Ali claimed that white people hated black people.
Ali converted from the Nation of Islam sect to mainstream Sunni Islam in 1975. In a 2004 autobiography, written with daughter Hana Yasmeen Ali, Muhammad Ali attributes his conversion to the shift toward Sunni Islam made by W.D. Muhammad after he gained control of the Nation of Islam upon the death of Elijah Muhammad in 1975.
Vietnam War
In 1964, Ali failed the U.S. Armed Forces qualifying test because his writing and spelling skills were sub par. However, in early 1966, the tests were revised and Ali was reclassified as 1A. This classification meant he was now eligible for the draft and induction into the U.S. Army. This was especially important because the United States was engaged in the Vietnam War. When notified of this status, he declared that he would refuse to serve in the United States Army and publicly considered himself a conscientious objector. Ali stated that "War is against the teachings of the Holy Qur'an. I'm not trying to dodge the draft. We are not supposed to take part in no wars unless declared by Allah or The Messenger. We don't take part in Christian wars or wars of any unbelievers." Ali also famously said in 1966: "I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong ... They never called me nigger."[7][8]
From his rematch with Liston in May 1965, to his final defense against Zora Folley in March 1967, he successfully defended his title nine times, an active schedule for that period. Ali was scheduled to fight WBA champion Ernie Terrell in a unification bout in Toronto on March 29, but Terrell backed out and Ali won a 15-round decision against substitute opponent George Chuvalo. He then went to England and defeated Henry Cooper and Brian London by stoppage on cuts. Ali's next defense was against German southpaw Karl Mildenberger, the first German to fight for the title since Max Schmeling. In one of the tougher fights of his life, Ali stopped his opponent in round 12.
Ali returned to the United States in November 1966 to fight Cleveland "Big Cat" Williams in the Houston Astrodome. A year and a half before the fight, Williams had been shot in the stomach at point-blank range by a Texas policeman. As a result, Williams went into the fight missing one kidney and 10 feet of his small intestine, and with a shriveled left leg from nerve damage from the bullet. Ali beat Williams in three rounds.
On February 6, 1967, Ali returned to a Houston boxing ring to fight Terrell in what became one of the uglier fights in boxing. Terrell had angered Ali by calling him Clay, and the champion vowed to punish him for this insult. During the fight, Ali kept shouting at his opponent, "What's my name, Uncle Tom ... What's my name?" Terrell suffered 15 rounds of brutal punishment, losing 13 rounds on two judges' scorecards, but Ali did not knock him out. Analysts, including several who spoke to ESPN on the sports channel's "Ali Rap" special, speculated that the fight continued only because Ali wanted to thoroughly punish and humiliate Terrell. After the fight, Tex Maule wrote, "It was a wonderful demonstration of boxing skill and a barbarous display of cruelty."
Ali's last fight in his first reign as world heavyweight champion was on March 22, 1967 against the 35-year old Zora Folley who was seen as something of a journeymen fighter coming into this bout. Folley was knocked out in the 7th round.
Appearing for his scheduled induction into the U.S. Armed Forces on April 28, 1967 in Houston, he refused three times to step forward at the call of his name. An officer warned him he was committing a felony punishable by five years in prison and a fine of $10,000. Once more, Ali refused to budge when his name was called.
As a result, on that same day, the New York State Athletic Commission suspended his boxing license and stripped him of his title. Other boxing commissions followed suit.
At the trial two months later, the jury, after only 21 minutes of deliberation, found Ali guilty. The judge imposed the maximum sentence. After a court of appeals upheld the conviction, the case went to the U.S. Supreme Court. During this time, people turned against the war, and support for Ali grew. Ali financially supported himself by opening a restaurant chain called "Champburger" and visiting many college universities to give speeches across the country. Joe Frazier, who had become champion during Ali's absence from the ring, often gave financial assistance to Ali during this time.
The Fight of the Century
Main article: Fight of the Century
In 1970, Ali was allowed to fight again. With the help of a state senator, he was granted a license to box in Georgia because it was the only state in America without a boxing commission. In October 1970, he stopped Jerry Quarry on a cut after three rounds. Shortly after the Quarry fight, the New York State Supreme Court ruled that Ali had been unjustly denied a boxing license. Once again able to fight in New York, he fought Oscar Bonavena at Madison Square Garden in December 1970. After a tough 14 rounds, Ali stopped Bonavena in the 15th, paving the way for a title fight against Joe Frazier, who was himself undefeated.
Ali and Frazier met in the ring on March 8, 1971, at Madison Square Garden. The fight, known as '"The Fight of the Century," was one of the most eagerly anticipated bouts of all time and remains one of the most famous. It featured two skilled, undefeated fighters, both of whom had legitimate claims to the heavyweight crown. The fight lived up to the hype, and Frazier punctuated his victory by flooring Ali with a hard left hook in the 15th and final round. Frank Sinatra — unable to acquire a ringside seat — took photos of the match for Life magazine. Legendary boxing announcer Don Dunphy and actor and boxing aficionado Burt Lancaster called the action for the broadcast, which reached millions of people.
Frazier retained the title on a unanimous decision, dealing Ali his first professional loss. However, Ali won a more important victory on June 28, 1971, when the Supreme Court reversed his conviction for refusing induction by unanimous decision in Clay v. United States.
In 1973, after a string of victories over top heavyweight opposition in a campaign to force a rematch with Frazier, Ali split two bouts with Ken Norton (in the bout that Ali lost to Norton, Ali suffered a broken jaw), before beating Frazier (who had lost the title to George Foreman) on points in their 1974 rematch. This victory earned him another title shot — but this time against a seemingly-invincible Foreman.
The Rumble in the Jungle
Main article: The Rumble in the Jungle
In one of the biggest upsets in boxing history, Ali regained his title on October 30, 1974 by defeating champion George Foreman in their bout in Kinshasa, Zaire. Hyped as "The Rumble In The Jungle," the fight was promoted by Don King.
Almost no one, not even Ali's long-time supporter Howard Cosell, gave the former champion a chance of winning. Analysts pointed out that Joe Frazier and Ken Norton had given Ali four tough battles in the ring and won two of them, while Foreman had knocked out both of them in the second round. As a matter of fact, so total was the domination that, in their bout, Foreman had knocked down Frazier an incredible six times in only four minutes and 25 seconds.
During the bout, Ali employed an unexpected strategy. Leading up to the fight, he had declared he was going to "dance" and use his speed to keep away from Foreman and outbox him. However, in the first round, Ali headed straight for the champion and began scoring with a right hand lead, clearly surprising Foreman. Ali caught Foreman nine times in the first round with this technique but failed to knock him out. He then decided to take advantage of the young champion's weakness: staying power. Foreman had won 37 of his 40 bouts by knockout, mostly within three rounds. Eight of his previous bouts didn't go past the second round. Ali saw an opportunity to outlast Foreman, and capitalized on it.
In the second round, the challenger retreated to the ropes - inviting Foreman to hit him, while counterpunching and verbally taunting the younger man. Ali's plan was to enrage Foreman and absorb his best blows to exhaust him mentally and physically. While Foreman threw wide shots to Ali's body, Ali countered with stinging straight punches to Foreman's head. Foreman threw hundreds of punches in seven rounds, but with decreasing technique and potency. Ali's tactic of leaning on the ropes, covering up, and absorbing ineffective body shots was later termed "The Rope-A-Dope."
By the end of the seventh round, Foreman was exhausted. In the eighth round, Ali dropped Foreman with a combination at center ring and Foreman failed to make the count. Against the odds, Ali had regained the title. Many years later, Foreman would become champ again at age 45. Muhammad Ali (Foreman's best friend at the time) did not attend the title bout. When asked why, he said "I would deviate attention from George. It was his moment, not mine."
The "Rumble in the Jungle" was the subject of a 1996 Academy Award winning documentary film, When We Were Kings. The match was ranked seventh in the British television program The 100 Greatest Sporting Moments.
Second reign
After beating Foreman, Ali would have a successful string of title defenses. In March 1975, Ali faced Chuck Wepner in a bout that inspired the original Rocky. While it was largely thought that Ali would dominate, Wepner surprised everyone by not only knocking Ali down in the ninth round, but nearly going the distance. Ali eventually stopped Wepner in the fading minutes of the 15th round, but Wepner's display of courage and resilience gave Sylvester Stallone, then an aspiring writer, actor and director, the basis of the plot for the first of the Rocky franchise, which led to five sequels that have endured for 30 years. In May 1975, Ali faced Ron Lyle, who lost by technical knockout in the 11th round after a barrage of punches by Ali. Two months later, in July 1975, Ali won a 15-round decision against Joe Bugner who was criticized by the press for resorting to defensive tactics rather than mounting an attack.
Thrilla in Manila
Main article: Thrilla in Manila
In October 1975, Ali fought Joe Frazier for the third time. The bout was promoted as the Thrilla in Manila by Don King, who had ascended to prominence following the Ali-Foreman fight. The anticipation was enormous for this final clash between two great heavyweights. Ali believed Frazier was "over the hill" by that point, and his overconfidence may have caused him to train less than he could have. Ali's frequent insults, slurs and demeaning poems increased the anticipation and excitement for the fight, but also enraged a determined Frazier. Regarding the fight, Ali famously remarked, "It will be a killa... and a chilla... and a thrilla... when I get the gorilla in Manila."
The fight lasted 14 grueling rounds in temperatures approaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Ali won many of the early rounds, but Frazier staged a comeback in the middle rounds. By the late rounds, however, Ali had reasserted control and the fight was stopped when Frazier was unable to answer the bell for the 15th and final round (his eyes were swollen closed). Frazier's trainer, Eddie Futch, refused to allow Frazier to continue. Ali, in one of the toughest fights of his entire career, was quoted as saying, "It was the closest thing to death that I could feel." Another version had Ali saying, "It was like death. Closest thing to dyin' that I know of."
Late career
In early 1976, Ali would go on to face journeymen fighters such as Jean-Pierre Coopman and Richard Dunn (Ali's last knockout of his career), winning easily inside the distance against both. In April 1976, an out-of-shape Ali out pointed the tough, young brawler Jimmy Young, who went on to defeat George Foreman by decision and made Ali appear slow and immobile.
Ali's next match after Dunn was a June 25th exhibition against the Japanese wrestler Antonio Inoki. [9]Although widely perceived as a publicity stunt, the match would have a long-term detrimental affect on Ali's mobility. Inoki spent much of the fight on the ground trying to damage Ali’s legs, while Ali spent most of the fight dodging the kicks or staying on the ropes.[10] At the end of 15 rounds, the bout was called a draw. Ali's legs, however, were bleeding, leading to an infection. He suffered two blood clots in his legs as well.[9]
Nevertheless, in September, at Yankee Stadium, Ali faced Ken Norton in their third fight, with Ali winning a close 15-round decision.
In 1977, Ali faced only two opponents, defeating both by decision: the undistinguished Alfredo Evangelista, who gave Ali another 15-round challenge, and the devastating puncher Earnie Shavers, who nearly knocked him out in the second round. Shavers would be Ali's final successful defense of his heavyweight title. Following the fight, Ali's corner doctor, Ferdie Pacheco, left Ali's entourage when it became clear to him that boxing was taking a significant toll on Ali, both physically and mentally. He made his decision when his warnings to Ali to retire went unheeded.
Olympic champion Leon Spinks finally dethroned Ali by decision in February 1978. The fight was criticized by many fans, since Spinks was a relative rookie with only seven professional bouts in his career. However, Ali reclaimed his title for an unprecedented third time in their September 1978 rematch and then retired at age 37. He returned, however, to face new champion Larry Holmes in 1980. Despite Ali's claim that Holmes would be "mine in nine" he was soundly defeated by Holmes. Angelo Dundee refused to let his man come out for the 11th round, in what became Ali's first and only loss by anything other than a decision. Ali's final fight, a loss by unanimous decision after 10 rounds, was to up-and-coming challenger Trevor Berbick in 1981.
Ali's legacy
The torch Ali used to light the flame at the 1996 Summer Olympics
Muhammad Ali defeated almost every top heavyweight in his era, which has been called the golden age of heavyweight boxing. Ali was named "Fighter of the Year" by Ring Magazine more times than any other fighter, and was involved in more Ring Magazine "Fight of the Year" bouts than any other fighter. He is an inductee into the International Boxing Hall of Fame and holds wins over seven other Hall of Fame inductees. He is also one of only three boxers to be named "Sportsman of the Year" by Sports Illustrated. He is regarded as one of the best pound for pound boxers in history. He was a masterful self-promoter, and his psychological tactics before, during, and after fights became legendary. It was his athleticism and boxing skill, however, that enabled him to scale the heights and sustain his position for so many years.
In 1978, three years before Ali's permanent retirement, the Board of Aldermen in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky voted 6–5 to rename Walnut Street to Muhammad Ali Boulevard. This was controversial at the time, as within a week 12 of the 70 street signs were stolen. Earlier that year, a committee of the Jefferson County Public Schools considered renaming Central High School in his honor, but the motion failed to pass. At any rate, in time, Muhammad Ali Boulevard—and Ali himself—came to be well accepted in his hometown.[11]
He was the recipient of the 1997 Arthur Ashe Courage Award.
In retirement
In 1984, Ali discovered he had Parkinson's disease, a neurological syndrome characterized by tremors, rigidity of muscles and slowness of speech and movement, following which his motor functions began a slow decline. Although Ali's doctors disagreed about whether his symptoms were caused by boxing and whether or not his condition was degenerative, he was ultimately diagnosed with Pugilistic Parkinson's syndrome.[12] According to the documentary When We Were Kings, when Ali was asked about whether he has any regrets about boxing due to his disability, he responded that if he didn't box he would still be a painter in Louisville, Kentucky.
A recent photograph of Ali
Despite the disability, he remains a beloved and active public figure. Recently he was voted into Forbes Celebrity 100 coming in at number 13 behind Donald Trump. In 1985, he served as a guest referee at the inaugural WrestleMania event. In 1987 he was selected by the California Bicentennial Foundation for the U.S. Constitution to personify the vitality of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in various high profile activities. Ali rode on a float at the 1988 Tournament of Roses Parade, launching the U.S. Constitution's 200th birthday commemoration. He also published an oral history, Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times by Thomas Hauser, in 1991. Ali received a Spirit of America Award calling him the most recognized American in the world. In 1996, he had the honor of lighting the flame at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Muhammad Ali Center, alongside Interstate 64 on Louisville's riverfront
He has appeared at the 1998 AFL (Australian Football League) Grand Final, where Anthony Pratt invited him to watch the game. He also greets runners at the start line of the Los Angeles Marathon every year.
In 1999, Ali received a special one-off award from the BBC at its annual BBC Sports Personality of the Year Award ceremony, namely the BBC Sports Personality of the Century Award in which he received more votes than the other four contenders combined. His daughter Laila Ali also became a boxer in 1999, despite her father's earlier comments against female boxing in 1978: "Women are not made to be hit in the breast, and face like that... the body's not made to be punched right here [patting his chest]. Get hit in the breast... hard... and all that."
On September 13, 1999, Ali was named "Kentucky Athlete of the Century" by the Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame in ceremonies at the Galt House East.
Ali's Presidential Medal of Freedom on display at the Ali Center
In 2001, a biographical film, entitled Ali, was made, with Will Smith starring as Ali. The film received mixed reviews, with the positives generally attributed to the acting, as Smith and supporting actor Jon Voight earned Academy Award nominations. Prior to making the Ali movie, Will Smith had continually rejected the role of Ali until Muhammad Ali personally requested that he accept the role. According to Smith, the first thing Ali said about the subject to Smith was: "You ain't pretty enough to play me."
On November 17, 2002, Muhammad Ali went to Afghanistan as "U.N. Messenger of Peace". He was in Kabul for a three-day goodwill mission as a special guest of the United Nations.[14]
He received the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony on November 9, 2005,[15] and the "Otto Hahn peace medal in Gold" of the United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN) in Berlin for his work with the US civil rights movement and the United Nations (December 17, 2005).
On November 19, 2005 (Ali's 19th wedding anniversary), the $60 million non-profit Muhammad Ali Center opened in downtown Louisville. In addition to displaying his boxing memorabilia, the center focuses on core themes of peace, social responsibility, respect, and personal growth.
According to the Ali Center website, "Since he retired from boxing, Ali has devoted himself to humanitarian endeavors around the globe. He is a devout Muslim, and travels the world over, lending his name and presence to hunger and poverty relief, supporting education efforts of all kinds, promoting adoption and encouraging people to respect and better understand one another. It is estimated that he has helped to provide more than 22 million meals to feed the hungry. Ali travels, on average, more than 200 days per year."
At the FedEx Orange Bowl on January 2, 2007, Ali was an honorary captain for the Louisville Cardinals wearing their white jersey, number 19. Ali was accompanied by golf legend Arnold Palmer, who was the honorary captain for the Wake Forest Demon Deacons, and Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade.
A youth club in Ali's hometown and a species of rose (Rosa ali) have also been named after him. On June 5, 2007, he received an honorary doctorate of humanities at Princeton University's 260th graduation ceremony.[16]
Ali lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his 4th wife, Yolanda 'Lonnie' Ali.[17] They own a house in Berrien Springs, Michigan, which is for sale. On January 9, 2007, they purchased a house in eastern Jefferson County, Kentucky for $1,875,000.[18]
Ranking in heavyweight history
There is no consensus among boxing experts and historians as to who is the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time. Ring Magazine, a prominent boxing magazine, named Muhammad Ali as number 1 in a 1998 ranking of greatest heavyweights from all eras. But in a 1971 article Nat Fleischer, the founder of the Ring who saw every heavyweight champion from Jim Jeffries to Joe Frazier, refused to include Ali in his all-time top ten, saying: "he does not qualify for rating with the greatest heavyweights of all time".[19] Fleischer was writing after Ali's loss to Frazier, several years before his performance against Foreman and rematches with Frazier.
Recently Ali was named the second greatest fighter in boxing history by ESPN.com behind only welterweight and middleweight great Sugar Ray Robinson. In December of 2007, ESPN listed its choice of the greatest heavyweights of all time. Ali was second on this list also behind Joe Louis, despite the fact that the earlier poll placed Ali ahead of Louis.
Personal life
Muhammad Ali has been married four times and has seven daughters and two sons. Ali met his first wife, ****tail waitress Sonji Roi, approximately one month before they married on August 14, 1964. Roi's objections to certain Muslim customs in regard to dress for women contributed to the breakup of their marriage. They divorced on January 10, 1966.
On August 17, 1967, Ali (aged 25) married 17-year old Belinda Boyd. After the wedding, she converted to Islam and changed her name to Khalilah Ali, though she was still called Belinda by old friends and family. They had four children: Maryum (b. 1968), Jamillah and Liban (b. 1970), and Muhammad Ali Jr. (b. 1972).
However, Ali began an affair with a young woman named Veronica Porsche in 1975. By the summer of 1977, Ali's second marriage was over and he had married Veronica. At the time of their marriage, they had a baby girl, Hana, and Veronica was pregnant with their second child. Their second daughter, Laila, was born in December of 1977. By 1986, Ali and Veronica were divorced.
On November 19, 1986, Ali married Yolanda Ali. They had been friends since 1964 in Louisville. Their mothers were close friends, although Lonnie has publicly denied the popular notion that Muhammad Ali was once her babysitter. They have one adopted son, Asaad.
Ali has two other daughters, Miya and Khaliah, from extramarital relationships.
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل
تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720
6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Muhammad Ali (کاسیوس مارسلوس کلی) محمدعلی کلی و دخترش لیلا
کناره گیری لیلا کلی از بوکس حرفه ای
Leila Ali Boxing
لیلا علی دختر محمد علی کلی فاتح سه دوره قهرمانی در جهان
لیلا کلی، قهرمان بوکس زنان و دختر بوکسور افسانه ای جهان، محمد علی کلی، از رقابتهای بوکس کناره گیری کرد. اما برای حفظ سلامتی و تناسب اندام خود، تشویق زنان و دختران جوان به انجام فعالیت های ورزشی و حفظ سلامتی جسمی و روحی، گهگاه در رینگ بوکس حاضر خواهد شد و مبارزه خواهد کرد.
لیلا از بین 9 فرزند محمد علی، تنها کسی است که پا جای پای پدر در رینگ بوکس گذاشته و اکنون به عنوان قهرمان جهان دست یافته است. وی توانسته با رکورد بسیار خوب 21 ناک اوت، نام پدر را زنده نگه دارد.
او که در حال حاضر 30 سال سن دارد، معتقد است نمی تواند تا آخر عمر مبارزه کند و فکر می کند اکنون که به تمام اهداف و آرزوهای خود در این رشته ورزشی دست یافته، زمان آن رسیده است تا وقتش را به مسائل دیگری از جمله ادارهء برنامه تلویزیونی خود در شبکه CBS با موضوع سلامتی و تناسب بدن اختصاص دهد.
وی همچنین کتابی با عنوان "یافتن قدرت، روحیه و قوای جسمانی" به چاپ رسانده که در آن علاوه بر در اختیار گذاشتن رازهای موفقیت خود در بوکس، سعی در راهنمایی افراد دیگر برای داشتن یک روحیه مناسب همراه با استفاده از توانایی های جسمانی خود نموده است.
لیلا کلی درصدد است همیشه به عنوان یک انسان مثبت فعالیتهای خود را پی بگیرد و به عنوان الگویی مناسب و مفید برای علاقمندان و هوادارانش عمل کند. لیلا همچنین در یک فیلم مستند تلویزیونی با عنوان "دختر پدر" که در ماه ژوئن امسال پخش خواهد شد و به زندگی او و رابطه اش با پدر اختصاص دارد، حضور خواهد داشت.
لیلا نقش محمدعلی را در موفقیت خود بسیار برجسته و مهم دانسته و از اینکه اکثر اوقات، وی با نام و موفقیت های پدرش معرفی می شود و موفقیت های خودش در این رشته ورزشی کمتر به چشم می آید، نه تنها ابراز ناراحتی نمی کند بلکه افتخار خود می داند.
وی پایبندی به اعتقادات و پافشاری برای حفظ باورها و عمل به آنها را بزرگترین درسی که از پدر خود فراگرفته است، می داند.
از سایت شیر زنان همیشه قهرمان ایران
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
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