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قدیمی 05-15-2012
Islander آواتار ها
Islander Islander آنلاین نیست.
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تاریخ عضویت: Apr 2012
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 209
سپاسها: : 1,112

795 سپاس در 201 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
Islander به Yahoo ارسال پیام
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نقل قول:
نوشته اصلی توسط bigbang نمایش پست ها

but watching movies , i don,t think this way is going to help us to improve our language skill.it is look like you just learn some ordinary chat conversation,s
and it is not useful for serious things.

I think with watching movies you will be somehow in a virtual atmosphere that everyone needs for learning a new language, it affect you unconscious that is very important. and the most important thing is that it helps you to change your mind language to English,
also I believe it is very important to learn how to speak and write English as simple as possible, so you just need to know some special words that you would use for a special concept, I mean there is no need to be worry about serious situations.
But of course just watching movies is not enough. we have to use whatever we can and it's very good to use our very own interests.
And I don't like to learn something as I'm sleeping, It doesn't give me good feeling

ویرایش توسط Islander : 05-15-2012 در ساعت 08:25 PM
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