بازگشت   پی سی سیتی > هنر > موسيقی Music > موسیقی جهان

موسیقی جهان در این بخش به شناساندن بزرگان موسیقی جهان میپردازیم بیوگرافی ها عکس ها خاطرات و خدمات ... همچنین سایر مسائل مربوط به موسیقی جهانی اخبار و ....

ابزارهای موضوع نحوه نمایش
قدیمی 11-12-2007
Hamed آواتار ها
Hamed Hamed آنلاین نیست.
کاربر فعال
تاریخ عضویت: Oct 2007
محل سکونت: داخل
نوشته ها: 659
سپاسها: : 314

299 سپاس در 77 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض بيوگرافي كيتارو

كيتارو در سال ۱۹۵۳ با نام واقعى «ماسانورى تاكاهاشى» در ژاپن به دنيا آمد. پدر و مادر او مانند اغلب ژاپنى ها پيرو آئين شينتو، مذهب ارواح پرستى بودند. كيتارو در دبيرستان به موسيقى سل(موسيقى مذهبى سياه پوستان)، ريتم و بلوز علاقه مند شد.
او پس از فراگيرى نواختن گيتار الكترونيك، با گروه خود به نام «آلباتراس» (نوعى مرغابى بزرگ دريايى)، شروع به برگزارى برنامه هايى در مهمانى ها و كلوب ها كرد. نام كيتارو كه يك شخصيت كارتونى تلويزيونى بود در همين زمان از سوى دوستانش بر وى نهاده شد. بزرگترين اثر وى در اين زمان اُتيس و ردينگ بود. كيتارو خود در مورد اين اثر مى گويد: «موسيقى من احساسى از تعمق و مهربانى را در مخاطب بر مى انگيزد و در واقع موسيقى من نه ريتم است و نه بلوز اما مخاطب احساسى مشابه احساس موسيقى سُل را در خود احساس مى كند.»
در اوايل دهه هفتاد او به طور كلى تغيير رويه داد و كار با كيبورد را آغاز كرد. او به گروه «فار ايست فَميلى» پيوست و با آنها گذار به دور جهان را آغاز كرد. در اين مسافرت ها، كيتارو با «كلاوس شولز»، نوازنده سينتى سايزر و بنيانگذار گروه «تنجرين دريم» آشنا شد. شولز براى گروه دو آلبوم توليد كرد و كيتارو كلاس فشرده اى را نزد وى به فراگيرى سينتى سايزر گذراند.
كيتارو در مورد اين تغيير مسير به سمت فراگيرى سينتى سايزر مى گويد: «من با سينتى سايزر مى توانم يك اقيانوس خلق كنم، يك كناره زمستانى، يك ساحل تابستانى و يك منظره كامل را بيافرينم.»
او پس از بازگشت به ژاپن در سال ۱۹۷۷ كار تكنوازى خود را آغاز كرد. دو آلبوم اوليه او با نام هاى «تن كاى» و از داستان ماه كامل «به نوعى جنون و هوس، آئين و كيش» براى جنبش در حال تولد موسيقى «نيو ايج» تبديل شد. اما اين آلبوم «جاده ابريشم» كيتارو بود كه توجه جهانيان را به سوى او جلب كرد. جاده ابريشم، موسيقى اى بود كه براى يك مستند ژاپنى كه به مدت پنج سال در تلويزيون به نمايش در مى آمد، ساخته شده بود.
آلبوم جاده ابريشم او در سال ۱۹۸۶ با استقبالى جهانى روبه رو شد و در پى اين استقبال، كيتارو در سال ۱۹۸۷ با همكارى موسيقيدان هاى مختلفى مانند «ميكى هارت» و «جان اندرسون» توانست آلبوم هايى مانند« نور روح» را به بازار عرضه كند و بالغ بر ده ميليون كاست به فروش رسيد. اين آلبوم به عنوان بهترين اثر نيو ايج معرفى شد.
در همين سال بود كه وى آلبوم هاى قديمى خود را هم بازتكثير و توزيع كرد اما اين بار در سطحى جهانى و تور خود به آمريكا را شروع كرد و توانست با اجراى اولين تور زنده خود تنها در آمريكاى شمالى دو ميليون آلبوم به فروش برساند.
او در سال بعد توانست با خلق موسيقى فيلم «بهشت و زمين» شهرتى دوباره كسب كند و برنده جايزه بالاترين امتياز در سال ۱۹۹۴ شود. اما اوج موفقيت او در عرصه موسيقى، دريافت جايزه سال ۲۰۰۱ براى آلبوم «در فكر تو» بود.
كيتارو يك ستاره است اما بسيار فروتن. او مى گويد: «طبيعت به من الهام مى كند. من تنها يك پيغام بر هستم. براى من برخى آهنگ ها مانند ابرها هستند و برخى مانند آب.»
كيتارو هر ساله براى تكريم و احترام به «مادر زمين» كنسرتى در كوه فوجى يا در نزديكى خانه اش در كلرادو برگزار مى كند. در يكى از اين برنامه ها كيتارو، در شبى ماه تمام در آگوست از غروب تا سپيده دم بر چليك مى كوبد و در حالى كه دستانش آغشته به خون شده بود همچنان به كوبيدن ادامه مى دهد.
از سال ۱۹۸۳ تا ۱۹۹۰ او با همسر اولش با نام يوكى زندگى مى كرد اما آنها به علت اينكه كيتارو اغلب اوقات در آمريكا كار مى كرد و همسرش در ژاپن، از هم جدا شدند. در نيمه هاى دهه نود او با زنى با نام «كيكو ماتسوبارا » كه هم اكنون در اغلب آلبوم هايش در كنار او مى نوازد، ازدواج كرد.
هم اكنون او در شهر «وارد» در خارج از كلرادو در مكانى به وسعت هفتاد و دو هزار مترمربع و در خانه اى به مساحت ۲۳۲ متر مربع، جايى كه كنسرت هاى آخر خود را در آنجا برگزار كرد، زندگى مى كند.

میانِ غربتِ خاموشِ رهگذر
و تنهای مانده از سفر
یک پنجره

فاصله است...
پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 11-12-2007
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض Kitarō (kitaro )

Kitarō kitaro

born Masanori Takahashi ( Takahashi Masanori) on February 4, 1953, in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan) is a composer and multi-instrumentalist. His stage name was given later by friends because of a Japanese television anime character named Kitarō,
Early life

Inspired by the R&B music of Otis Redding, Kitaro taught himself how to play guitar. He says of teaching himself, "I never had education in music, I just learned to trust my ears and my feelings." He gives credit for his creations to a power beyond himself. "This music is not from my mind," he said. "It is from heaven, going through my body and out my fingers through composing. Sometimes I wonder. I never practice. I don't read or write music, but my fingers move. I wonder, 'Whose song is this?' I write my songs, but they are not my songs."[citation needed]
While attending Toyohashi Commercial High School, he organized the "Albatross" band with his friends. At that time, they performed in parties and clubs. "In high school, I was in an amateur band. I started out playing the guitar but then changed to the keyboards. Before one of our gigs, the drummer was injured. I had no experience at all on the drums, but I had to learn it because I was the leader of the band, and we had to do the gig. My drumming was not very good, but we got through the show in one piece. Later, the bassist had injuries, so I had to learn how to play the bass. [These accidents are] the main reasons why I can play all these instruments; I had a crash course in how to play them. It was a hard time for me, but a very good experience. It created the base knowledge of all the instruments I use and need to create my current brand of music. After graduating, I really wanted to be in the music business, so I moved to Tokyo and started looking for bands to play with. I basically did it for the experience and to get a feel of all the clubs that were available in Tokyo and Yokohama. At that time I played keyboards, and then I discovered the synthesizer. This was a revelation. First of all, the instructions for the thing were in English so I couldn't read them. I was trying to make sounds but couldn't! I tried for a whole day, but no sound ever came out because I didn't know how to program it or set it up. Finally, the first sound I got off this thing was a wind-like sound, but I was so elated that I actually made some noise, it didn't matter. I turned one of the knobs slowly to make more wind-like noises. Then I decided to buy another synthesizer to form a different type of sound. I just loved the analog sound that it made compared to today's digital sound. Now, my equipment and synthesizers are all analog. But technically, digital is much easier to use for editing and other stuff."[citation needed]
His parents were first opposed to the idea of their son having a musical career. They had other plans for him and in an attempt to get him to see their way, made arrangements for him to take a job at a local company. However he left home without telling them before. He supported himself by taking on several part time jobs such as cooking and civil service work while composing songs at night.
In the early '70s he changed completely to keyboards. He joined the band "Far East Family Band" and toured with them around the world. In Europe he met the German synthesizer musician and former Tangerine Dream member Klaus Schulze. Schulze produced two albums for the band and gave Kitaro some tips for the use of synthesizers.
In 1976 he left the band and travelled through Asia (China, Laos, Thailand, India).
Solo career

Back in Japan Kitaro started his solo career in 1977. The first two albums Ten Kai and From the Full Moon Story became cult favorites of fans of the nascent New Age movement. He performed his first symphonic concert at the 'Small Hall' of the Kosei Nenkin Kaikan in Shinjuku, Tokyo. During this concert Kitaro used a synthesizer to recreate the sounds of 40 different instruments, a world's first. But it was his famous soundtrack for the NHK series "Silk Road" which brought him the international attention.
He struck a worldwide distribution arrangement with Geffen Records in 1986; in 1987 he collaborated with different musicians, e.g. with Micky Hart (Grateful Dead) and Jon Anderson (Yes) and his record sales soared to 10 million worldwide. He was then nominated twice for a Grammy and his soundtrack (for the movie "Heaven & Earth") won a 1994 award for best original score. His biggest musical success was the Grammy Award 2001 for his album Thinking of You.
Personal life

Kitaro is very modest. "Nature inspires me. I am only a messenger", he has said. "To me, some songs are like clouds, some are like water".[citation needed] Since 1983, his reverence for nature has led Kitaro to annually give thanks to Mother Nature in a special "concert" on Mount Fuji or near his house in Colorado. On the day of the full moon of August he beats on the Taiko drum from dusk to dawn. Frequently his hands become bloodied, but he continues to pound.
From 1983 until 1990 Kitaro was married to his first wife, Yuki Taoka. Yuki is a daughter of Kazuo Taoka, godfather of Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest Yakuza syndicate. Kitaro and Yuki have a son, Ryunosuke, who lives in Japan. They reportedly separated because Kitaro worked mostly in the United States while Yuki lived and worked in Japan. In the mid-nineties, Kitaro married Keiko Matsubara, a musician who played on several of his albums. Along with Keiko's son, the couple lived in Ward, Colorado on a 180 acre (730,000 m²) spread and composed in his 2500 square foot (230 m²) home studio "Mochi House" (it is large enough to hold a 70 piece orchestra). Kitaro and Keiko recently relocated to Occidental, California.
Other works

He has also worked with Virtuoso Guitarist Marty Friedman, formerly of Megadeth, on the "Scenes" album, which had a significal impact on the forthcoming Kitaro's "Mandala" release.
Kitaro composed the soundtrack of the Oliver Stone film Heaven and Earth.

1978 - Ten Kai/Astral Voyage/Astral Voyager/Astral Trip
1978 - In Person Digital
1979 - Full Moon Story/Daichi
1979 - Oasis
1980 - Silk Road (a.k.a. The Soghdian Merchants on VHS)
1980 - Silk Road II
1980 - In Person Digital
1980 - Silk Road Suite
1981 - Silk Road III: Tunhuang (japanese original title: Tonko)
1981 - Best of Kitaro vol 1
1981 - World of Kitaro
1981 - Ki
1982 - Millennia (Queen Millennia movie soundtrack)
1983 - Silk Road IV: Tenjiku/India
1984 - Silver Cloud/Cloud
1984 - Live in Asia/Asia Super Tour Live/Asia
1986 - Toward the West
1986 - Tenku
1987 - Light of the Spirit
1988 - Ten Years/Best of Ten Years
1990 - Kojiki
1991 - Live in America
1992 - Dream/Lady of Dreams
1993 - Heaven and Earth
1994 - Mandala
1995 - An Enchanted Evening - Live
1996 - Peace On Earth
1997 - Cirque Ingenieux
1998 - Gaia-Onbashira
1999 - Best of Kitaro vol 2
1999 - Thinking of You
2000 - The Soong Sisters
2001 - Ancient
2002 - An Ancient Journey
2002 - Daylight, Moonlight in Yakushiji - Live
2003 - Best of Silk Road
2003 - Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai
2004 - Shikoku 88 Places
2005 - Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai Volume 2
2006 - Spiritual Garden
2007 - Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai Volume 3

Other Albums (No Release Year)
Asian Cafe/Ashu Chakan (Best Of)
All Roads Lead To Rome
Across The Karakum Desert
Across The Pamir
Deep Forest
Endless Journey
Healing Forest (Best Of)
Ninja Scroll (Soundtrack)
In Silent
In Search Of Wisdom
Journey To The Heart I
Journey To The Heart II
Journey To The Heart III
Journey To The Heart IV
Kaiso (Kitaro's World Of Music)
Karuna (Kitaro's World Of Music)
Mu Land
Mizu Ni Inorte
Morning Light
Music For The Spirit Vol. 1
Music For The Spirit Vol. 2
Music For The Spirit Vol. 3
Music For The Spirit Vol. 4
Nile (Single, 2001)
Six Musical Portraits
Tamayura (DVD)
Tento Chi
Tokusen 1
Tokusen 2

Kitaro with Others
Far East Family Band - Far Out (1973)
Far East Family Band - The Cave Down To Earth (1974)
Far East Family Band - Nipponjin (1975)
Far East Family Band - Parallel World (1976)
Far East Family Band - Tenkujin (1977)
Gyoto Monks - Gyoto Monks
Gyoto Monks - Freedom Chants From The Roof Of The World

In addition the various record companies who have distributed Kitaro's music have released several compilation albums over the years. Quite a few of them are listed here from Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō. He is the son of shintoistic farmers.

مرا سر نهان گر شود زير سنگ -- از آن به كه نامم بر آيد به ننگ
به نام نكو گر بميــرم رواست -- مرا نام بايد كه تن مرگ راست

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 11-12-2007
دانه کولانه آواتار ها
دانه کولانه دانه کولانه آنلاین نیست.
    مدیر کل سایت
کوروش نعلینی
تاریخ عضویت: Jun 2007
محل سکونت: کرمانشاه
نوشته ها: 12,700
سپاسها: : 1,382

7,486 سپاس در 1,899 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
دانه کولانه به Yahoo ارسال پیام
پیش فرض Kitarō (kitaro )

Kitarō kitaro

born Masanori Takahashi ( Takahashi Masanori) on February 4, 1953, in Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture, Japan) is a composer and multi-instrumentalist. His stage name was given later by friends because of a Japanese television anime character named Kitarō,
Early life

Inspired by the R&B music of Otis Redding, Kitaro taught himself how to play guitar. He says of teaching himself, "I never had education in music, I just learned to trust my ears and my feelings." He gives credit for his creations to a power beyond himself. "This music is not from my mind," he said. "It is from heaven, going through my body and out my fingers through composing. Sometimes I wonder. I never practice. I don't read or write music, but my fingers move. I wonder, 'Whose song is this?' I write my songs, but they are not my songs."[citation needed]
While attending Toyohashi Commercial High School, he organized the "Albatross" band with his friends. At that time, they performed in parties and clubs. "In high school, I was in an amateur band. I started out playing the guitar but then changed to the keyboards. Before one of our gigs, the drummer was injured. I had no experience at all on the drums, but I had to learn it because I was the leader of the band, and we had to do the gig. My drumming was not very good, but we got through the show in one piece. Later, the bassist had injuries, so I had to learn how to play the bass. [These accidents are] the main reasons why I can play all these instruments; I had a crash course in how to play them. It was a hard time for me, but a very good experience. It created the base knowledge of all the instruments I use and need to create my current brand of music. After graduating, I really wanted to be in the music business, so I moved to Tokyo and started looking for bands to play with. I basically did it for the experience and to get a feel of all the clubs that were available in Tokyo and Yokohama. At that time I played keyboards, and then I discovered the synthesizer. This was a revelation. First of all, the instructions for the thing were in English so I couldn't read them. I was trying to make sounds but couldn't! I tried for a whole day, but no sound ever came out because I didn't know how to program it or set it up. Finally, the first sound I got off this thing was a wind-like sound, but I was so elated that I actually made some noise, it didn't matter. I turned one of the knobs slowly to make more wind-like noises. Then I decided to buy another synthesizer to form a different type of sound. I just loved the analog sound that it made compared to today's digital sound. Now, my equipment and synthesizers are all analog. But technically, digital is much easier to use for editing and other stuff."[citation needed]
His parents were first opposed to the idea of their son having a musical career. They had other plans for him and in an attempt to get him to see their way, made arrangements for him to take a job at a local company. However he left home without telling them before. He supported himself by taking on several part time jobs such as cooking and civil service work while composing songs at night.
In the early '70s he changed completely to keyboards. He joined the band "Far East Family Band" and toured with them around the world. In Europe he met the German synthesizer musician and former Tangerine Dream member Klaus Schulze. Schulze produced two albums for the band and gave Kitaro some tips for the use of synthesizers.
In 1976 he left the band and travelled through Asia (China, Laos, Thailand, India).
Solo career

Back in Japan Kitaro started his solo career in 1977. The first two albums Ten Kai and From the Full Moon Story became cult favorites of fans of the nascent New Age movement. He performed his first symphonic concert at the 'Small Hall' of the Kosei Nenkin Kaikan in Shinjuku, Tokyo. During this concert Kitaro used a synthesizer to recreate the sounds of 40 different instruments, a world's first. But it was his famous soundtrack for the NHK series "Silk Road" which brought him the international attention.
He struck a worldwide distribution arrangement with Geffen Records in 1986; in 1987 he collaborated with different musicians, e.g. with Micky Hart (Grateful Dead) and Jon Anderson (Yes) and his record sales soared to 10 million worldwide. He was then nominated twice for a Grammy and his soundtrack (for the movie "Heaven & Earth") won a 1994 award for best original score. His biggest musical success was the Grammy Award 2001 for his album Thinking of You.
Personal life

Kitaro is very modest. "Nature inspires me. I am only a messenger", he has said. "To me, some songs are like clouds, some are like water".[citation needed] Since 1983, his reverence for nature has led Kitaro to annually give thanks to Mother Nature in a special "concert" on Mount Fuji or near his house in Colorado. On the day of the full moon of August he beats on the Taiko drum from dusk to dawn. Frequently his hands become bloodied, but he continues to pound.
From 1983 until 1990 Kitaro was married to his first wife, Yuki Taoka. Yuki is a daughter of Kazuo Taoka, godfather of Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest Yakuza syndicate. Kitaro and Yuki have a son, Ryunosuke, who lives in Japan. They reportedly separated because Kitaro worked mostly in the United States while Yuki lived and worked in Japan. In the mid-nineties, Kitaro married Keiko Matsubara, a musician who played on several of his albums. Along with Keiko's son, the couple lived in Ward, Colorado on a 180 acre (730,000 m²) spread and composed in his 2500 square foot (230 m²) home studio "Mochi House" (it is large enough to hold a 70 piece orchestra). Kitaro and Keiko recently relocated to Occidental, California.
Other works

He has also worked with Virtuoso Guitarist Marty Friedman, formerly of Megadeth, on the "Scenes" album, which had a significal impact on the forthcoming Kitaro's "Mandala" release.
Kitaro composed the soundtrack of the Oliver Stone film Heaven and Earth.

1978 - Ten Kai/Astral Voyage/Astral Voyager/Astral Trip
1978 - In Person Digital
1979 - Full Moon Story/Daichi
1979 - Oasis
1980 - Silk Road (a.k.a. The Soghdian Merchants on VHS)
1980 - Silk Road II
1980 - In Person Digital
1980 - Silk Road Suite
1981 - Silk Road III: Tunhuang (japanese original title: Tonko)
1981 - Best of Kitaro vol 1
1981 - World of Kitaro
1981 - Ki
1982 - Millennia (Queen Millennia movie soundtrack)
1983 - Silk Road IV: Tenjiku/India
1984 - Silver Cloud/Cloud
1984 - Live in Asia/Asia Super Tour Live/Asia
1986 - Toward the West
1986 - Tenku
1987 - Light of the Spirit
1988 - Ten Years/Best of Ten Years
1990 - Kojiki
1991 - Live in America
1992 - Dream/Lady of Dreams
1993 - Heaven and Earth
1994 - Mandala
1995 - An Enchanted Evening - Live
1996 - Peace On Earth
1997 - Cirque Ingenieux
1998 - Gaia-Onbashira
1999 - Best of Kitaro vol 2
1999 - Thinking of You
2000 - The Soong Sisters
2001 - Ancient
2002 - An Ancient Journey
2002 - Daylight, Moonlight in Yakushiji - Live
2003 - Best of Silk Road
2003 - Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai
2004 - Shikoku 88 Places
2005 - Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai Volume 2
2006 - Spiritual Garden
2007 - Sacred Journey of Ku-Kai Volume 3

Other Albums (No Release Year)
Asian Cafe/Ashu Chakan (Best Of)
All Roads Lead To Rome
Across The Karakum Desert
Across The Pamir
Deep Forest
Endless Journey
Healing Forest (Best Of)
Ninja Scroll (Soundtrack)
In Silent
In Search Of Wisdom
Journey To The Heart I
Journey To The Heart II
Journey To The Heart III
Journey To The Heart IV
Kaiso (Kitaro's World Of Music)
Karuna (Kitaro's World Of Music)
Mu Land
Mizu Ni Inorte
Morning Light
Music For The Spirit Vol. 1
Music For The Spirit Vol. 2
Music For The Spirit Vol. 3
Music For The Spirit Vol. 4
Nile (Single, 2001)
Six Musical Portraits
Tamayura (DVD)
Tento Chi
Tokusen 1
Tokusen 2

Kitaro with Others
Far East Family Band - Far Out (1973)
Far East Family Band - The Cave Down To Earth (1974)
Far East Family Band - Nipponjin (1975)
Far East Family Band - Parallel World (1976)
Far East Family Band - Tenkujin (1977)
Gyoto Monks - Gyoto Monks
Gyoto Monks - Freedom Chants From The Roof Of The World

In addition the various record companies who have distributed Kitaro's music have released several compilation albums over the years. Quite a few of them are listed here from Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō. He is the son of shintoistic farmers.
مرا سر نهان گر شود زير سنگ -- از آن به كه نامم بر آيد به ننگ
به نام نكو گر بميــرم رواست -- مرا نام بايد كه تن مرگ راست

پاسخ با نقل قول
قدیمی 04-13-2008
امیر عباس انصاری آواتار ها
امیر عباس انصاری امیر عباس انصاری آنلاین نیست.
مسئول ارشد سایت ناظر و مدیر بخش موبایل

تاریخ عضویت: Sep 2007
محل سکونت: تهرانپارس
نوشته ها: 8,211
سپاسها: : 8,720

6,357 سپاس در 1,362 نوشته ایشان در یکماه اخیر
پیش فرض

در همین زمینه :
معرفی یک اسطوره شرقی، کیتارو Kitaro مردی با موسیقی آسمانی(Masanori Takahashi)
This city is afraid of me
I have seen its true face
پاسخ با نقل قول

کاربران در حال دیدن موضوع: 1 نفر (0 عضو و 1 مهمان)

مجوز های ارسال و ویرایش
شما نمیتوانید موضوع جدیدی ارسال کنید
شما امکان ارسال پاسخ را ندارید
شما نمیتوانید فایل پیوست در پست خود ضمیمه کنید
شما نمیتوانید پست های خود را ویرایش کنید

BB code is فعال
شکلک ها فعال است
کد [IMG] فعال است
اچ تی ام ال غیر فعال می باشد

اکنون ساعت 04:55 AM برپایه ساعت جهانی (GMT - گرینویچ) +3.5 می باشد.

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(اگر مطلبی از شما در سایت ما بدون ذکر نامتان استفاده شده مارا خبر کنید تا آنرا اصلاح کنیم)

سایت دبیرستان وابسته به دانشگاه رازی کرمانشاه: کلیک کنید

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